Stitch Savvy
From Homemade to Professional: A Testimonial
Meet Brindi, a small business owner and busy dance mom who found her sewing game changer in the Juki MO-1200 QVP serger. Discover how this serger transformed her sewing experience and allowed her to sew smarter, not harder.
What Scissors You Need for Different Embroidery Techniques
Dive into the world of specialty scissors with Sheila Ryan as she shares her top picks for keeping your embroidery projects clean and tidy. Discover how these precision tools can make a world of difference in your stitching experience.
Stabilizers You Need and Hooping Techniques to Know
These are the top three stabilizers that you NEED to have when doing machine embroidery at home! Plus how do you know when to hoop your project versus when to float it, and what does that even mean?! Find out by reading more here!
Elevate Your Embroidery with Exquisite Thread: A Small Business Perspective
We're a local small embroidery business that buys all of our threads from Grome's, and we're going to tell you why we, and all of our clients LOVE Exquisite thread!
Where to Start with Machine Embroidery
Don't let starting machine embroidery overwhelm you. Let our friend, Sheila, tell you where you need to start with Machine Embroidery, and give you all the information you need to embark on your embroidery journey.